Saturday, December 2, 2006

Let the Bleeding Continue - Aquino is Gone

Can you believe it? I can't. Luch Aquino, perhaps the fastest skater on the Tigers is gone.

Luch was assinged to the East Coast Hockey League affiliate Pensacola. Aquino has two goals and an assist for three points, along with six penalty minutes in 13 games with the Sound Tigers this season.

Luch didn't have the scoring touch, or points total, of other players, but he was the fastest thing on ice. Often you would see him outskating defensive men who had a healthy jump on him.

I find it amazing that Ted Nolan took a rag tag group of people predicted to be in last place and made them into a legitimate contender and Dan Marshall has taken a group of highly talented individuals and removed any signs of contention.

Marshall must go.

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